1Vote for OUR KIDS, 1Vote for their FUTURE

We are an independent citizens group advocating for strong public schools in our community.

If you would to get involved and help support our schools please email us HERE.

Access the MyVote Wisconsin website to obtain the following information:

Request a free yard sign by clicking on the Vote Yes logo to email our group.

Our SDFA Board and leadership has heard the desire of the community to hear from those on the board and leadership positions. Hopefully the events being offered will be well attended!  Like last year there will be community engagement sessions, in addition, the Board and leadership will be visiting numerous community events! 

Here are some of those events:

Our school leadership in Fort is strong and unified to provide the best environment for our kids to succeed.  Let’s all join in as a community and attend the events offered to hear accurate information about the referendum.  As a strong community we should continue to promote the GREAT things in Fort because we all want them to continue and even grow. 

We can only do that with the support from everyone - as public schools are just that - public.  They are the heart of healthy communities.  The public schools thrive when the entire community comes together and support great outcomes for the kids.

The leadership listened and it’s clear by the appearances planned at so many events that they want to engage with the community for the benefit of our future.  Let’s all join in, because in all honesty - this is OUR team!!  Let’s support healthy public schools in Fort, because we have great ones!!!!


District Referendum Page

District Frequently Asked Questions


If you would like to help out or join our group, please do not hesitate to send us an email at citizens4fortschools@gmail.com


Click the Citizens for Strong Fort Schools button below to fill out a volunteer form and someone will contact you.